2012年7月15日 星期日


Detached. There is BIG heart and emotion behind this early piece (it was created 5 1/2 years ago). I've been holding on to it but am now drawn to share. This early piece helped me to further strengthen my purpose. As we reach to find the outer edges of our values and examine the opposite of what we believe in ~ it can help us find what truly matters. Detached has a story to share: This is a child ...in a crib ~ crying out in the night. Reaching. Anguished and alone. Ignored because of what we are sometimes told is the "right" thing to do. The "right" thing is hollered by our heart ~ but is sometimes hard to trust and hard to hear. ♥ listen gentle mamas ~ but I think if you are here, reading this, then you do. So much love to you. Love, Katie ♥


Katie的畫充滿情感,上次要做一個母乳哺育與親子同室的演講時,Google "co-sleeping"找到Katie的畫,深受感動!

